


Hey, My name is Marlene. People call me shorty,LiL M,Babe,Sexy,Sweety...You get the point?
Anyways...I'm 16yrs old and I'm origanly from Portugal. I lived there for a couple of years untill my parents dicided to move to States.On my free time I like to do different things such as dance, sing, bother my friends, shop and so on...

I'm a currently student at a HIGH SCHOOL, which is located in Virginia. For thoes who don't know much about THAT HIGH SCHOOL its a pretty big school where there all different types of people we have around 54 different langagues in there which makes us pretty unique. Enough of school.

I usualy work during the week days, I babysit a 5yr old. Hey he's pretty cool. It seems like one at least! =) And on Saturdays I work at this salon called Perfect Endings

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please send me an e-mail.